Post by vadim.bermanThank you for your reply.
Post by John HendersonThat's very odd behaviour for a GSM 07.05 compliant phone.
What do these commands return?
AT+CFUN? and
+CFUN: 1
That's the right response.
I don't like the look of the "ERROR" here. And why didn't it
list both "0" and "1" (PDU- and text-modes) in its list of
capabilities? Here's the same command used on my Wavecom
+CMGF: (0,1)
Post by vadim.berman+CMFG: 1
Post by John HendersonAT+CMGL=? when in text-mode
+CMGF: 0
and here there is something weird: when I tried to switch back
to the PDU mode by AT+CMGF=0, it froze! So I had to restart
the phone.
That definitely shouldn't happen.
Post by vadim.bermanPost by John HendersonAT+CMGL=? when in PDU-mode
+CMGL: 0,1,2,3,4
The other responses to commands so far all look OK.
Post by vadim.bermanPost by John HendersonPost by vadim.bermanI went further and started tinkering with AT+CPMS.
AT+CPMS=? returned ("SM"), ("SM"), ("SM") - which is a bit
strange but who knows, maybe normal.
That's saying the phone has SIM storage only - no independant
memory on the handset itself for messages.
Isn't this strange? I mean, it's not a prehistoric phone, and
it's not locked.
Post by John HendersonPost by vadim.bermanI set it to SM (AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM") and the console
returned that all the storage compartments are empty, which
is not true.
Where do you think the messages are stored? If you swap the
SIM to another phone, do the messages go with the SIM? If
your "AT+CPMS=?" result is correct, they should all follow
the SIM.
Well... the phone has a lot of messages, over a hundred, and
according to CPMS there are only 25*3=75 maximum. Could they
be breaking the standard and putting the messages in some kind
of proprietary storage not accessible by AT?
Actually, 25 messages maximum of SIM storage (on that particular
SIM). The three storage location arguments to the "AT+CPMS"
command are <mem1>, <mem2>, and <mem3> as defined in GSM 07.05,
section 3.1. In most cases, they are effectively different
views of the same physical storage:
"<mem1> string type; memory from which messages are read and
deleted (commands List Messages +CMGL, Read Message +CMGR and
Delete Message +CMGD)"
"<mem2> string type; memory to which writing and sending
operations are made (commands Send Message from Storage +CMSS
and Write Message to Memory +CMGW) )", and
"<mem3> string type; memory to which received SMs are preferred
to be stored (unless forwarded directly to TE)"
So we're concerned only with the <mem1> view when using the
"AT+CMGL" command.
But that proves there's a problem somewhere. The phone says the
only storage is SIM storage, but you've got more messages
stored than the 25 which can fit onto the SIM!
I have a Siemens S55 phone with both SIM and phone storage, and
here's its response:
+CPMS: ("MT","SM","ME"),("MT","SM","ME"),("MT","SM","ME")
+CPMS: "SM",11,15,"SM",11,15,"SM",11,15
+CPMS: 29,100,29,100,29,100
(SMS storage capability is 15 SIM + 100 phone, with 11 and 29 of
those locations used respectively).
Do you get the same "SM"-only answer to "AT+CPMS=?" in both
PDU-mode and text-mode?
Post by vadim.bermanPost by John HendersonPost by vadim.bermanWhat am I doing wrong? And why AT+CMGL does not want to
list the messages?
Are the messages unread? Bear in mind that using "AT+CMGL"
to read unread messages changes their status from "unread" to
There are some unread messages, which are still unread
according to the phone's GUI.
Post by John HendersonPost by vadim.bermanThe phone is LG C3300 connected via a USB cable to virtual
COM3 on Windows XP.
Just in case you're having a buffering problem somewhere,
causing the hang, try a command which produces a lot of
output. See if that runs to completion without causing a
hang. I suggest
(read the full list of operator names).
This one looks cool :-) . But it did not hang.
Thanks a lot, John. Did you ever encounter anything like this?
Can the provider somehow make the SIM go nuts? Maybe they are
denying the access to the messages out of certain reasons? I
mean the phone works and looks OK, in a very good condition.
This is one weird puzzle.
I'd guess the most likely cause of your problems is firmware
bugs, making the phone non-compliant with GSM 07.05. Is there
a firmware upgrade for this phone?
A less likely possibility is that you're interacting with a
corrupted SIM. Can you try another SIM in the phone to see if
the problems persist?