Post by DaveI'm really only looking to send text (location and some data), and am
not aware of the difference between PDU-mode and text-mode. How do I
tailor my choices to text-mode compatible phones?
You'd need to check the specification, or ask. Failing that,
you can test a phone interactively by issuing the query form of
the message format command from GSM 07.05, like this:
+CMGF: (0-1)
In this case, the zero in the "+CMGF: (0-1)" response means that
PDU-mode is supported, while the one means text-mode is
The question to ask is whether the phone supports text-mode from
GSM technical spec 07.05 (not that sales people are likely to
know, let alone understand the question).
Text-mode enables you to simply give the modem the text you want
to send. With PDU-mode, you must effectively break each message
character into bits and reassemble those bits packed in a
specific sequence as per section of GSM 03.38.
Post by DaveAs a second follow-up, the Motorola c168i can interface through the
mic jack. I assume this is an exception, and most phone require using
RX and TX pins on the connector...? If that's the case, that also
eliminates phones that use USB connections since I doubt I'll be able
to emulate a USB controller with a PIC...?
I can't confirm with any certainty, but what you say sounds right.
Phones with old RS232 type TX and RX connectors would be very
rare these days.